Privacy Policy

The use of our website implies your agreement with this Privacy Policy. It is highly advisable for you to familiarise yourself with this policy before making an order or entering any sensible data to avoid any possible negative consequences.

We offer quality and safe services

While visiting, be ready to provide us with some of your personal data. We request your:

  • phone number
  • e-mail address
  • place of current residence
  • name and surname.

It is also possible to be a visitor of our website without rendering this information to us. Nevertheless, you should know that in this case, you will be unable to use particular options (e.g., make an order) on our website.

All your sensitive data are collected with a sole purpose to provide you our services as well as to:

  • Set up user’s profile (In this way, it will allow us to understand and meet client’s needs in an easier way.)
  • Make our website better (Basing on the agency-client interaction, it will be simpler for us to collect possible complaints and wishes to perfect the overall functioning of our website.)
  • Better the overall process of providing our translation service (With the help of your feedback about our services, we can develop effective improvement strategies.)
  • Process transactions (We collect client’s data only insofar as it can be necessary to fulfil the goal of the visitor’s interaction with our team. Thus, we can use a phone number or e-mail address to deliver the ordered translation in a timely manner.)
  • Contact you on time (We need your phone number and e-mail address in order to call or write you regarding the placed order during the translation process.)

We will never demand any sensitive information about you without your clear consent.